
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Less than 30 day to go until the biggest dog eating festival starts! Take Action Now!

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vô link dưới đây để ký tên cho sự thay đổi ngày từ bây giờ.


The dog meat festival in Yulin, southern China takes place every year on June 21st, to mark the summer solstice, a day with significant importance in the Chinese calendar.
To celebrate the longest day of the year, residents have organize a dog meat festival. The event has grown widely in popularity and organizers have decided to extend the festival for three days and three nights.
No one exactly knows how many dogs are eaten during these three days, but rough estimates indicate that as many as 15, 000 dogs fall innocent victim to this gruesome event.
Dogs are being currently gathered from all over the country, piled un in horrible conditions in trucks and shipped to southern China.
Dog rescuers are doing the best they can to intercept as many trucks as they can, but it will be truly impossible to stop them all.
Just to give you a sense of what those innocent creatures have to go through, imagine that the canines have their bone broken so they can be fit into those tiny cages; they are left without any space to breathe and food and water is non-existant during these long-haul journeys. Some of the dogs do not make it alive to Yulin. The others that survive will experience tremendous suffering. As soon as they arrive, they are taken to abattoirs and skinned alive. They are then shipped to Yulin’s open market, where thousands of dog meat lovers gather around to grab a bite to eat – dogs are either roasted, or boiled, depending on what the customers demand.
Despite the controversy, this event has been allowed to continue unabiased for the past years. Chinese authorities have promised it will be cancelled, but have failed to deliver.
Time is running out of thousands of dogs. Please take action immediately and say NO to the 2016 edition of the “Lynchee and Dog Meat Festival” (the official name of the gathering)
Help save thousands of innocent souls from being skinned and boiled alive for this inhumane culinary celebration! Dogs are highly-intelligent, smart creatures, they are family, not food!
Please join the campaign and send a strong message to the authorities of China: Yulin 2016 should never be allowed to take place. It is a national disgrace if China refuses to stop this inhumane gathering!

Animal rights activists have intercepted a truck filled with dogs that was headed towards Yulin.

Dogs are kept in cages, waiting to be cooked.

Dogs being cut open for their meat.

Heartbreaking scene in China.

Thousands of dogs will be boiled alive during the festival.

 Theo yousignanimals.org

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